Four and a half years ago, during the 2006 Fifa World Cup in Germany, Yahoo! Answers had been just launched, and was heavily advertised on the Yahoo! World Cup page. I entered the World Cup category and starting discussing football, but people were very aggressive and shit (like fuck you Italians , no fuck you Englishmen , etc.) I , as a Portugal and Italy supporter at the time , got into the fights and started swearing at some people, but of course, I'm neither Italian nor Portuguese, so I let the patriotic nationalists take the heat and I continued to answer football questions in a more civilized manner.
But then I got bored, and starting clicking around the site ...
The most random category was Polls&Surveys (like it still is to this very day) so in a futile attempt to gain points and levels, I also went there, clicked random questions and, bored as I was, started answering really rudely to people, like "fuck you" and such. I didn't know you could get reported.
Needless to say, I was reported and banned. Not only that, my whole Yahoo! account (including the email address) was deleted. I was very sad because I loved that email address, it matched my hotmail address. I also lost all my Yahoo! Messenger contacts :( When I tried logging in, it told me "this account doesn't exist."
I tried to re-create that account more than once but it always told me "this email address is taken" although "it didn't exist." Over time I started to lose hope until I finally forgot about it.
But today, I tried to log on to my old LiveJournal account to look up an old friend (I remember she used to post her email address on her LJ account, and I want to get it and add her on facebook.) I haven't used LJ in almost 4 years and I forgot the password, so I tried to retrieve it by having it sent to my email, but then I remembered that the LJ account is linked to the non-existing Yahoo account. What a dilemma.
Anyway, long story short, I tried one more time, and I just was able to re-create that email address :) I think the Yahoo! people decided to finally free the address and it works just like it was never deleted (I just tried sending the LJ account password that I have linked to it and it worked) :) :) :) so now I have access to my old LJ account as well !!!
The sorrows and joys of technology !!!
Yuppie !!
1 comment:
Grats :)
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